Thursday, January 4, 2007


First off, it just took me about twenty minutes to log into this thing which was annoying beyond belief. I'm blaming google for being stupid on this one and pissing me off. Anyway, I'm posting this now since a certain Matt K., no wait, too obvious M. Kane is anxiously awaiting news.
So I leave for Beijing in like four days, which is weird. I haven't really been thinking about it much, its just been an abstract in the future that I figured I could worry about later. Unfortunately, later is now, since I have a ton of crap to do and the world does not work at my convenience (which is pretty much Beijing time, except I want it to work that way in Boston... if that makes any sense). So in between all the craziness (and driving an hour around the metro Boston area looking for a fucking Slush Puppy, but that's a different story), I have of course had to talk about my feelings on going to Beijing for five months. I appreciate people's interest in my travels, since not many people run off to China for extended periods of time, but I have been asked if I'm excited about going to Beijing probably about 100x in the past week and it's getting kinda annoying. Lets get some new questions. We could talk about food, places I want to see, or how cheap shit is there. Instead, I get the general 'are you excited' question. STOP ASKING THAT IT TAKES NO EFFORT, TRY A LITTLE HARDER IF YOU'RE GOING TO FEIGN INTEREST. Shitty questions get shitty answers. Next time I'm asked, I'm going to reply that I'm excited about all the gay sex I'm going to have there. Or something like that, but probably not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute is my middle name. lemme know how to do it and im down.