Monday, February 2, 2009


Ok so I realize I've been absent for a while, to the point where multiple people have actually commented upon my lack of posts, which at least makes me feel better that this whole blog isn't just an online masterbation session... so I have that going for me. Anyway, there's a ton of stuff that obviously needs to be written about. I have a Hong Kong and Macau trip that happened several months ago that needs to be expounded upon. I'm currently sitting in an airport in Kuala Lumpur and I'm sure everyone's dying to hear about the rash I got here... Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's were all my first away from home, they need to be explained. As do several stories from Wuxi that I'm sure everyone will find vitally interesting. Instead of going into all of that right now though, I'm going to post a few things I wrote back a few months ago, get them out of the system, then new stuff will enter the pipeline. I hope to start getting at least a post a week through February and March to start getting everyone up to speed with my total disconnect with reality in China (was there a presidential election or something a few months ago...?) So yea, posts galore starting now!

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