Tuesday, September 1, 2009

In Other News...

So the other day I was in a convenience store, picking up a Powerade, amongst other things. (As a quick tangent: California convenience stores suck. Seriously. So far in my experience, if it's not a 7/11, the shelves are half stocked, the selection of everything is terrible, and they're depressing places to be since no one else is ever in them.) While paying for my goods, I got into a conversation with the shop keep on the merits of Powerade vs. Gatorade, with both of us agreeing that Powerade is better. At this point, I want to point out the guy behind the counter was in his mid-50s or so. So older, but not ancient. He said he liked to drink to big bottles a day (with big being 32 ounces or something like that). I mentioned I can only drink one. Then he proceeds to tell me he needs to drink at least two a day on top of a lot of water to flush out his system..... needless to say I got the fuck out of there in short order. And in other news, this blog is back in business.

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