Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 2013 Randoms II

Roman numerals because I'm classy like that...

Time for some more random stuff. This is less of my own prose (don’t act so crushed) and more random stuff I’ve observed that I thought were humorous, but not really enough for their own posts. Away we go!

For those of you who didn’t know/don’t remember, I went to the Giants/Steelers game in NYC for my birthday last year. Not much to report stadium wise since all football stadiums are hulking structures devoid of character.

Outside the stadium.

The Rog, presumably seeking more people to protect the Shield.

This place is large.

National Anthem.

Now it's full!

Our prayer circle for the evening.

Unfortunately, I did not take any photos of food. As evidenced in the post from Marlins Park, sometimes I get too hungry and forgot to document my gorging before it begins. However, I did have a nice roast pork sandwich, and it was tasty. Instead here are a few things from the game:

First, it was a 4PM game and we arrived early. There was a place to see scores of the early games, but stadiums really should be providing live feeds of all the games. They have the screens and technology, and it’s annoying enough to be at the stadium instead of home or at a bar. They need to make the fan experience better. Worst part: one large screen kept replaying highlights from the previous Super Bowl. You know, the one where the Giants beat the Patriots. I was cringing for about an hour until we went to our seats.

Quote from a Giants fan: “Our fans are everywhere. We pop out of the sewer.” Yes, yes you do.

Prayer circles: this is the phenomenon where players gather together at midfield and pray when someone is legitimately injured. I’ve always found these fascinating, because how do they occur? Is it organic? Does a pastor come out to organize it? Does one showy player (looking at you Ray Ray) ostentatiously get everyone together? Well, while one circle is too small a sample size to definitively conclude, the one during this game was organic.

Last note: Beer sales stopped at half time. Seriously?! I know that old Giants Stadium was subject to a lawsuit after an over served fan crashed and caused fatalities, but halftime seems a little early. I had to scramble to find someone to sell me a beer at the beginning of the 3rd quarter. I did not expect that. Then again, from my experiences in baseball stadiums, aside from being cheaper, most stadiums away from the Northeast are far laxer with the alcohol policies. While I’ll write them up later, St. Louis and Milwaukee were two of the drunkest stadiums I’ve ever been to. Just food for thought.

Since this was supposed to be a potpourri, I feel compelled to share something else. I didn’t shave for about 6-7 weeks before the Bar. I looked homeless. The upside: I had a wicked ‘stache. Direct quote:

“Your mustache puts Tom Selleck to shame”

Lastly, globalization has touched us all. When visiting rural China in January, I was taking a cab one night. It was silent, and we were in the country. Suddenly, the driver’s cell phone rings. Music begins. It sounds vaguely familiar. Is it… wait… yea. Gangnam Style. Of course. Also, I taught the future spouse of the blog the word ‘douchebag.’ She now employs it frequently. I’m proud of that.

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