Sunday, July 29, 2007

"sir, where do i pay?"
"uh... you take a ticket then you pay when you exit"
"here's my dollar"
"you don't pay here. you take a ticket and pay when you get off"
"what do i do?"
"you take a ticket and pay when you get off"
"where do i get a ticket"
"you see this yellow thing?"
*points at yellow thing*
"you take a ticket from this"
"where do i get a ticket again?"
"you've got to be kidding me. take THIS ticket"
*pulls ticket from machine and hands it to man*
"and you give the ticket to the collector at the other end and pay him"
"ok well here's my dollar"

and scene.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude, bring a video camera to work